
The Music Program at the Roxbury Congregational Church is under the direction of our Minister of Music, Sandra Kleisner.

The music at the Roxbury Congregational church continues to fill the needs of the church musically and spiritually.   We are blessed to have a fine choir, Minister of Music, and instruments to provide music for services!



The choir members are dedicated to providing music for each service.  The Choir has a dedicated monthly rehearsal, usually on the first Tuesday at 1:30 pm.  There have been times when additional mid-week rehearsals are added for the occasional time when special music is planned.   The confidence with which a well-rehearsed piece can be sung is worth the time it takes to prepare. If you would like to join the choir, please either speak with Sandy Kleisner or just come on Sunday morning at 9:15 am.

Here is a recent recording of There Is A River In Judea.



We have soloists perform from time to time, especially for special services. They provide a varied program of vocal music which covers all aspects of the service including Prelude and Postlude. They provided a wonderful atmosphere for the service. If you are interested, please speak with Sandy Kleisner. email


Piano and organ: 

We have a beautiful 7 ft. Steinway in the sanctuary thanks to the estate of Dr. David Lincicome. 

IMG 1293The Organ in the rear balcony is a hybrid of a Rodgers Digital Organ with a  traditional set of 3 ranks of pipe from the former tracker organ in its place.


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