Prayer Shawl Ministry

Our Shawl Ministry is an offshoot of the one developed at the Hartford Seminary by Janet Bristow and Victoria Galo. Visit their website at to get the history of this ministry and there you will also find a simple pattern to use. In our church, anyone who likes to knit or crochet is welcome to make a shawl or scarf for our prayer shawl ministry.

For more information or to request a shawl to give to someone, contact Janice Steers by email at or the church office at 860-355-1978.

Those who have received our "prayer" shawls have told us time and time again that wearing one is like receiving a warm, reassuring embrace. It is a tangible expression of God's love. The process of making a shawl is also an opportunity for spiritual meditation and reflection by the knitter.

It is easy to take part in this ministry. You can just volunteer to make a shawl. Or, you can donate yarn. We ask that you use soft washable yarn. As you work on it, prayers and good thoughts are offered to the unknown recipient. There are no deadlines. You work at your own pace. When you finish, contact Jan Steers. Finished shawls, squares (and scarves for men) are blessed in a church service and kept on a rack at our church ready to be distributed.



Please Help Us Keep Our Shawl Rack Full!



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