



You can give to our Memorial Fund here: LINK  

Please put the name to be given in memory of in the form.


When a friend or family member who is a member of Roxbury Church dies, what better way to honor their faith, their love of God, and their devotion to their church community than to designate the Memorial Fund as a recipient of memorial contributions? 


These contributions are pooled with other memorial gifts to purchase items to enhance the life and ministry throughout our building and Meetinghouse.

  • Lasting identifiable physical items benefiting the church or community

  • Items not in the budget that will increase the effectiveness of the church’s ministry

  • For any suggestions of the donor’s choice. These suggestions are discussed and

    approved by the Board of Trustees

  In the past these items have included, sound and video equipment for the Meetinghouse, new flags, a computer for the Church Library, and scholarships for youth.  


If you wish to remember and pay tribute to someone who has died, you can make a gift to the Church's Memorial Fund. These gifts can be spent only for physical items within the Church or specific, agreed upon special programs by the Board of Trustees. These gifts can not be used for the operating budget.


Gifts made will reported to the family with name only with in a month's time, allowing for other gifts that may be given.

You will recieve a written acknowledgement if you provide your address.(email or mailing)



Memorial Fund Pollicies:

When a member or friend of the church dies and the family indicates a desire for memorial gifts to go to the church, the minister should determine if a "named" fund (i.e., The Emeline Hodge Memorial Fund) is desired. If so, all funds will be earmarked as such. If not the funds will go into the general memorial fund known as the "Book of Remembrance." Funds in the Book of Remembrance will be reserved for use only in the Meetinghouse proper.

Named Memorial Funds

1. Unless the family knows immediately how they want the memorial gift used, it might be best to wait until funds have accumulated to see what tributes would be appropriate.

2. The Trustees, with regular input from the minister, should maintain a list of memorial gift ideas. One to two months after the named memorial fund is established, the minister and trustees should determine which one or more of these gifts would be most appropriate to suggest to the family. Items or projects to receive Memorial Funds must be agree upon by the Trustees before the gifts will be accepted, so that they align with the church's mission and are practical.

3. The minister should discuss with the family the suggested memorial gift ideas and any others that the family may have.

4. Once the family has decided how they want the funds spent, the Trustees need to formally approve expenditure of the funds.

5 . If appropriate there should be a plaque, bookplates or other long-term means of recognizing the memorial gift.

6. Unless otherwise specified by the family, memorial gifts should never be used for operating expenses. Every effort should be made to find lasting gifts, reflective of the person and their role in the church and the community.

7. Other special named funds, for example, "The Organ Fund" for the purchase of a new organ, may be established where memorial gifts can be given toward a designated project.

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