The Thomas Canfield Society

Roxbury Congregational Church


Thomas Canfield Society



To celebrate and honor those who chose to remember the Roxbury Church in their estates, the Church is establishing the Thomas Canfield Society. The Society is named after Rev. Thomas Canfield, the first minister of the Roxbury Congregational Church from 1743-1795.


Your gift can create a lasting legacy.

For over 200 years people like you have been making bequests and life income gifts that have helped generations of church people. Just like you, shared God’s love to the Roxbury community and the wider world. Perhaps this congregation has made a difference in your life, provided important support and comfort to a neighbor or friend, or inspiration that led you to change your life. 

The initial members of the Society include:

Emma Schmidli

Mabel Bernhardt Smith

Ruth Johnson

Gertrude E. Caveness

Clark Makinson

Marian Skedgell

Mary Elizabeth Peck

Elizabeth “Betty” Blyn


Now you can honor that gift with one of your own. By your charitable financial plans including the church, you can make a difference in the future of the church. With that planned gift, you can become a member of the Thomas Canfield Society. Note: if you wish to not have your name included in the society while living or deceased, that will be honored.

Types of Planned Gifts


Gifts through your will

Appreciated Stock

Charitable Remainder Trust

Gifts of Life Insurance.


For more information, 

please contact the Church Office

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