GENEROSITY - Supporting the work of the Church!
We are a GuideStar Gold Member - Ensuring your Confidence in Donating
We Count On Generous & Supportive People!
Please remember while we can't pass the plate for offering on Sundays, your offering to God of your resources - money and labor is still needed, particularly these days.
For financial offerings, please mail your check into the church or sign up for electronic giving - email Rev. Peters to set that up.
A Church Making a Difference in People's Lives and Beyond...
Worthy of Your Support and Investment.
Financial Stewardship for 2025
Invitation Letter for Generosity .pdf LINK
Pledge Form for 2025 .pdf LINK
Giving Percentage Chart LINK
Completed pledge forms can be emailed to
A Testimony: Vail Barrett, "Why I love this church and support it!"
Our supporters give out of their desire to strengthen the Church, their wish to give something back to the community, and their commitment to ensuring that future congregation members and their children will benefit from the same opportunities past generations enjoyed.
How do you relate to money? Jesus spoke more about money than almost everything else in the gospels. (Most was about the Kingdom of God) He talked about it so much because he knew how money can compete for our primary allegiance to God.
How to Support Our Ministries and Good Works
9 Ways to Give!
1. Point your smartphone camera at this QR Code and click the link that pops up to be brought to our electronic giving site with Vanco.
Our church is embracing technology and has adopted a giving option that may be more convenient for many of our congregation members and friends – the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Program. It will work in the same manner as the programs offered by local gas and electric and many insurance and mortgage companies.
You choose a donation frequency: weekly, semimonthly, or monthly. Indicate the amount of the contribution you wish to make. Then complete the remainder of the Authorization Form, mail it to the church office, or drop it in the offering and we will arrange for your choice of credit card, savings, or checking account to be debited. All done confidentially.
Important Benefits of Electronic Funds Transfer
The Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) program yields very significant benefits for our church and makes life easier for you:
It is great for you: Give to God first.
Give while you are away.
Keeps you on track.
Convenient and secure.
Snowbirds, travelers, retirees, students, busy people - all love it.
It is great for your church:
Increases regular giving
Steadies cash flow.
Reduces the use of reserves.
Fewer checks to process, less work.
Secure, efficient, and affordable.
3. Traditional - Church Envelope or Offering Plate donation
This option is still available. You can request weekly ordering envelopes from the Church Office or you can place your donations in the offering plate on Sundays during worship. If you would like a yearly receipt for your donations, please be sure your name is noted on your check or envelope.
4. Paypal
We welcome one-time donations through PayPal. PayPal.Me/RoxburyChurch
5. Venmo
With your Venmo app, go to @roxburychurch and there you can make your donation safely and securely. or point your smartphone camera to this QR code:
6. Cash For Causes and Scrip!
Since beginning the "Cash For Causes" program, participants have contributed thousands of dollars to the mission and work of our church.
You can purchase cash cards online for groceries purchased at Stop and Shop, Big Y, or Shop Rite. We get a nice percentage here at the church and you receive a cash card at the full face value for the money spent. It is a win-win!!
The program does include more of your everyday items at places like Walmart, Staples, HomeGoods, Shell, Panera Bread, and Kohls. Store listing link. If you haven't participated in the Cash For Causes program before, this is a great time to try. Simply place your order, prepay the card(s), and shop. It's that simple.
A complete listing of participating retailers is posted in Fellowship Hall and can be found here or at
Just download the "Raise Right" app to your smartphone or desktop and load your existing Scrip account or sign up there. Your cards are sent directly to you! No longer do you have to find Heidi and see her after worship or drive to her house to pick up cards. AND the church seems to get more money now. The Church's Enrollment Code is: 8F15BD7143454
As always, feel free to contact Susan Zappulla-Peters, Coordinator at 860-355-8830 or
7. LaBonne's Grocery Store receipts and put them in the wooden collection box on the Opportunity Table in Fellowship Hall. They will be redeemed as part of LaBonne's Cash 4 Charities program and financially benefit the church’s mission.
8. Recycle your ink and laser cartridges in the recycle box in Fellowship Hall. A rebate from Staples helps with our office expenses.
If you have any questions about these programs, contact Rev. Peters 860-355-1978.
9. Attend our fundraisers throughout the year!
We sponsor several fundraising events throughout the year including our Country Church Christmas Fair (early December), Trivia Night! (4 times a year) Art Show and Sale (June), Rummage and Bake Sale (May), Beef Barbecue (August), and Tag Sale (Fall). In addition, there might be a Chili Cookoff, a pancake breakfast, or a spaghetti supper -watch for them. All these events not only provide funds for the ministries of the church but more importantly, opportunities for the wider community to come together and have fun!
Note: Amazon has discontinued the Amazon Smile program as of February 2023. We thank them for their support and your participation in it.
A Money Autobiography may be helpful to look at how we view money.