Christian Nurture, Education & Fellowship



"We are a Community Seeking to Share God's Love"  







The Christian Education programs for children include a church school for those from age 3 through Confirmation in grade 9.

Church School Registration Form

For Kindergarten through Eighth graders

May 2023: We currently do not have an organized Children's Ministry program due to the low number of children in our community. We have the desire and resources to begin again with little notice. We also have a fully stocked nursery for any visiting infants.


 In the meantime:

Resources For Parents, Children, and Youth

Sermons 4 Kids a lesson and activities you can do at home.

Sparkhouse has a weekly lesson to do while at home 

Faithful Families At Home 15 easy family-friendly prayers and activities
A great resource for parents to continue "Church School" while apart.

 A Good Resource for Talking with Children about Tough Issues LINK




 The Nursery Room is locatied off the main Fellowship Hall. It is open during worship and fellowship times (unstaffed). The room has a stocked changing table for infants as well as activity items for our youngest children. There is a speaker in the room which allows you to listen in on the worship service.

Learning Goals
Parents are encouraged to support the church school teachers by working with their children at home on the following learning goals:


 At the end of:

Pre-Kindergarten: Prayers & Graces

Kindergarten / First Grade: The Lord's Prayer & Gloria Patria

Second Grade / Third Grade: Doxology, Baptism, Psalm 23


Fourth Grade / Fifth Grade:  Basic Bible Skills Know the  books of the Bible, Ten Commandments, Jesus' Great Commission


Sixth, Seventh & Eight Grade: Psalm 100, Holy Week, Order of Worship,
Sacraments of the Church, Liturgical Seasons of the year.



Confirmation Program (for Ninth Graders and older)

 Confirmation is a rite in the Congregational tradition where a young person, after study, prayer, and contemplation, confirms, those vows presumably made by their parents at their baptism. It is the first rite of adulthood in the eyes of the church.


Our Congregation uses a program that is a mentor-based confirmation program that pairs confirmands with adult mentors and guides them through a variety of learning experiences that will strengthen the student's understanding of the faith while connecting him or her with the congregation in a personal way. 


The program which runs from early fall, includes a series of montly learning experiences where adult mentors and confirmands are both teachers and learners at the same time.


Topic covered include: The Bible, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Worship, Baptism 7 Communion, Prayer, Christianity & other religions, Christian Living.


We also have confirmands attend worship with churches of other traditions as well as a Jewish synagogue and an Islamic service to have a broad, rich experience that will last a lifetime. Confirmands also write their own statement of faith. Confirmation is on Pentecost Sunday by tradition.


 Topic covered include: The Bible, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Worship, Baptism 7 Communion, Prayer, Christianity & other religions, Christian Living.



We have a wonderful Church Library in the Office Area!

We have novels, reference and non-fiction titles

we also have a youth and children's library.

Check it out!

Joan Temple, Librarian



We are a "SafeConduct" Church

We follow SafeConduct Guidelines.



We subscribe to generally accepted SafeConduct principles and practices for those working with children and youth particularly. We have developed a SafeConduct Policy in our congregation and for use by the programs that we sponsor. All who serve with children and/or youth must have a background check.


Click Here for a copy of the Policy


Click Here for a copy of the Disclosure Form for those who work with children and youth.








Virtual Church School


Here are some at-home - online resources from other churches for you and your children


(Courtesy of the Congregational Church of Mansfield, MA)

The Exodus Story

The Wilderness: Paraoh, Pharaoh! (Sing-a-long song)

Exodus Part 1 The Fire that Never Burns

Part 2 That's Harsh! The 10 Times Paraoh Was Stubborn

The Wilderness Part 3 

The Wilderness Part 4

The Wilderness Part 5


At-Home Holy Week / Easter Coloring Pages (PDF) - LINK


This Sunday's Children's Worship Activity LINK

Sermons 4 Kids a lesson and activities you can do at home.

Faithful Families At Home 15 easy family-friendly prayers and activities
A great resource for parents to continue "Church School" while apart.



 Church School Offering: Each Sunday children begin their time with their family in worship after the first 15 minutes of worship. (A children’s sermon is offered on the 3rd  Sunday of each month). An offering will be received each week from the children. We have special offering envelopes for the children to use, available in Fellowship Hall.

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