Shelter Breakfast

A New Mission Opportunity!
IMG 6565

A need has been expressed to have breakfast prepared and served on weekends to those who stay in the Homeless Shelter in New Milford. During the week, those who stay in the church hall there, are given a voucher for a hot beverage and a breakfast sandwich at a store on Bank Street. On Saturdays and Sundays, they do not. So, Charlie Meade, with the support of his wife, Diane, upon hearing about this, decided to organize a new ministry - Weekend Shelter Breakfast. There can be as many as 10 people. Typically, half are working poor. During the warmer months, while there is no shelter open, the need for meals continues.

We need two people to meet at  St. John Episcopal Church to make breakfast beginning at 6:00 am. This weekend is already covered, but we are in need of others to sign up to help on the weekends following. 

Please contact Charlie, Coordinator,  directly at 860-355-1584 and let him know of your willingness to help.

Is God Calling You to this New Way to Share God's Love?

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