Called To Care


 Called to Care Ministry



The Deacons have inaugurated a ministry at the Roxbury Church, Called to Care.  This ministry is envisioned to encompass many of the activities that already occur.  We have a number of teams that carry out caring in specific ways.  

They include: 

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Reception Ministry


and other including rides to doctors, etc.



We are looking to begin a small project of visitation with those who may be homebound or aging.  We know that some of you are already keeping in touch with some of our members and we do not want to duplicate your efforts, but rather affirm and support you.


We are also looking for some folks who are willing to maintain a monthly contact or visit with those who do not as yet feel the touch of the church other than the occasional visit from the minister.  If you are willing to be a part of this ministry or already do this, please let either Charlie Stauffacher or Rev. Peters know.


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