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Mission & Outreach

"We are a Community Seeking to Share God's Love"


Mission Giving Dashboard - 2024


Non-Budgeted Giving

Souper Bowl of Caring - February $75.00

One Great Hour of Sharing - March $ 285.00

Mother's Day Cards - Church World Service - May  $100.00

Strengthening the Church - May  $162.00

Father's Day Cards - Church World Service - June - $70.00

Trivia Night August 3 to Roxbury Food Bank $400

Neighbors in Need - October $95.00

Trivia Night Nov. 2 to Georgia  Family Fire GoFundMe - $520

Christmas Fund - Veterans of the Cross - December $290.70

Disaster Relief donations - All Year Long - $350.00

Total NonBudgeted Giving: $2347.70


Budgeted Giving

Litchfield South Association $405.00

Southern New England Conference, UCC $6,125

Mission Committee grants to Mission Partners  $3,400.00


Total Outreach Giving: $12,277.70




 Our Congregation Seeks to Serve More Than Those In Our Church

We Seek To Extend Our ReachThrough

Our Church's Wider Mission

A Descriptive Video

 Our Church gives beyond ourselves through

the Southern New England Conference of the UCC

and the National United Church of Christ, as well as its agencies.


Supporting Others



Giving to Special Appeals and Situations

Reaching Out Responding and Making A Difference Beyond Roxbury

There are so many needs right now and we have the opportunity to help from our comfort and relative wealth:


For giving through the United Church of Christ online using a credit card securely:


(In the drop-down select “disaster relief” and note the location in the memo.)



Checks made out to Roxbury Congregational Church can also be sent to the church where they will be sent on to the appropriate agency working on our behalf





Our Congregation Seeks to Share God's Love!

We believe in a God who has called each of us to help our neighbors

whether in town or around the world. We are citizens of God's world.


Extending Your Reach

We Extend Your Reach at home and around the world 

through our denomination and partner agencies.

Here is the 2022 Listing of Grants from Roxbury Church


To Find out more about how you, through your church, serve others around the world,

click here on the Global Ministries page and click on a region.

Important note: 100% of your financial donations go directly to aid others.



 Our Church's Wider Mission - Extending Our Reach!


We carry this out through a number of diverse mission projects through financial support, prayers, and education. They include:

Basic Support - support of the Southern New England Conference and the wider United Church of Christ.


Also these 5 United Church of Christ special offerings:

One Great Hour of Sharing, Assisting global village development and disaster assistance

The Christmas Fund - Veterans of the Cross, aid to retired clergy with low retirements and benefits

Neighbors In Need, assisting neighbors here in the USA including native americans

Stregthen the Church - assists churches with financial needs.

Strengthen the Church provides extra funding in areas of youth leadership development


Association of Religious Communities in greater Danbury serves the wider community in housing ministry, domestic violence prevention, and inter-faith understanding through the cooperation of the broad spectrum of religious communities of our region.


Christian Community Outreach Ministries serves in Danbury to those who are caught between the systems that support people in need. Revs. Merideth and Wanda Payton have residential, job training, support, and service opportunities. Christian Community Outreach Ministries, Inc. is a Christian-based community organization whose purpose is to offer support and resources to individuals in order to aid in the transformation toward empowerment, self-sufficiency, and an increase in the quality of life through Judeo-Christian values.

Services and supports:  Provides for the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of individuals in the community.


Andover Newton Seminary at Yale Divinity School New Haven, CT  Mission Statement: a graduate theological school in the Reformed Tradition, in faithfulness to Jesus Christ, we strive to educate leaders who are: enlivened by rigorous study in a community embracing diversities of faith and life; devoted to the renewing of church and society through ecumenical witness and creative expression of the Gospel and committed to enacting God's ways of justice and live in the world


Brian O'Connell Homeless Project a modest grant to help this small ministry in providing necessary daily use items directly to homeless persons. Named in memory of one who died on the streets of Waterbury.

The Crosby Fund for Haitian Education  The Crosby Fund for Haitian Education (CFHE) was founded in 2004 by Rebecca and Frederick Crosby of Old Lyme, CT, to provide full scholarships for secondary education to academically gifted students living in the Artibonite Valley (north of Port-au-Prince), who otherwise could not attend school. In 2006, we expanded the program to include university scholarships, and, in 2009, we initiated our technical school scholarships in the hopes that both of these programs would prepare students for professional careers in Haiti. This expansion of our program was a natural outcome due to the success of many students graduating from high school and the need to continue their education for future employment.


IRIS - Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services, based in New Haven, this organization work with community groups to sponsor and settle refugees in local communities.

Washington Refugee Resettlement Project, we have teamed up in support of our neighbors in settling a refugee family in New Milford.


Seafarer's Friend, based in Boston, MA Provides for the spiritual, social, emotional, and physical needs of sailors on shore in Boston, MA, Portland, ME, and Portsmouth, NH

Holy Joe's Cafe , a ministry founded through the First Congregational Church of Wallingford, CT, supports the work of US military chaplains overseas with coffee and supplies so that they can provide the setting for pastoral interactions with those involved in a war and the aftermath.


Renewal House (formerly known as Shelter of the Cross)  – provides transitional housing, support, and services for elderly homeless men and women in the Greater Danbury Area.  


Back Bay Mission– Biloxi, Mississippi - a community ministry of the UCC, serves the Mississippi Gulf Coast and the wider church community poor, homeless, victims of AIDS or substance abuse; works with teenagers and works to provide affordable housing after Katrina.


Uplands Retirement Village– a nonprofit continuing care retirement community of independent living, assisted living, and long-term care in Pleasant Hill, TN.  Uplands is home to over 300 people who value simple living and serving others.  It has been particularly attractive to those who have served the world as doctors, nurses, teachers, missionaries, pastors, engineers, and volunteers


Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry, New Milford – runs the New Milford Community Hospitality Kitchen, which serves meals to the needy.  Sponsored and supported and staffed by area churches.


The Greater Danbury Women's Center - free and confidential services to women, children, and men of Danbury and area towns to prevent or lessen the trauma associated with domestic violence, sexual assault, and other major life transitions.
Simply Smiles- provides loving homes, appropriate educations, and every chance at happy and successful lives for impoverished children.  Works supporting the mission of the Casa Hogar Children's Home in Oaxaca City,  and has built homes for the 33 families who call Oaxaca's garbage dump home(Mexico). They are currently working in the southern jungle region with food distribution for hungry families affected by the globalization of coffee. Simply Smiles has a history of working in South Dakota on an Indian reservation there. Described as "third world", S. S. is working to rehabilitate housing and provide for basic needs. Our congregation sent mission trips to both Mexico and was one of the first to go to South Dakota in 2010. We have returned in 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2018.


Daily Bread Food Pantry- – at St. James Episcopal Church, Danbury, distributes food staples to needs CT residents.


United Church of Christ Disaster Ministries

United Church of Christ Mental Health Network

Micro-loan Program, UCC Wider Church Ministries – microloans to needy women around to the world who require equipment/materials to support their families.


Silver Lake Camp & Retreat  Center in nearby Sharon. We support camp scholarships for those who are in financial need.


IMG 0524Thula Sizwe, from South Africa, following an overnight visit and concert




In addition, we serve others with:


Mother's Day Card donating a blanket in their honor through Church World Service


Father's Day Card program - "Tools of Hope" purchasing tools in their honor through Church World Service


The Santa Fund, (also known as St. Nicholas Fund) a regional program of providing gifts and clothing to needy living in New Milford and neighboring towns including Roxbury. Based at New Milford Social Services.


Roxbury Resident Relief Fund is coordinated through the Roxbury Social Services Director.


Minister's Discretionary Fund, is a confidential source of help for those in need. Funded primarily from the Christmas Eve service offering and some donations.


Your Directed Gifts to help in disaster situations. (earthquake, flood, Typhon, famine, etc.) 

(100% of the donation goes directly in the locality to help)


These gifts flow through our UCC and to agencies such as Church World Service and others

Additional information is made available during the year on our Bulletin Boards in Fellowship Hall. We invite all to peruse the notes of thanks from the folks you help as well as learn more about the agencies.


Mission Trips

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Chris and Janet Childs with Roberto in Oaxaca, Mexico 2010.

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Simply Smiles Mission Trip ~ Oaxaca, Mexico 2010

with Shepaug High School


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CRST - South Dakota - 2010


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CRST -South Dakota 2012


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CRST - South Dakota - 2014



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CRST - South Dakota 2016

with Guilford, VT Group



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Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation trip 2018

with the Congregational Church of Ann Arbor, MI




© 2025 Roxbury Congregational Church, UCC
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