Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals


The Church and it's Clergy are available for these milestone events. 

at  Roxbury Congregational Church


"And he took little children in his arms and blessed them."

The sacrament of baptism is an outward and visible sign of the grace of God. It is the action through which a person becomes a member of the church universally.

At baptism, the church joyfully acknowledges that God has claimed this person to be one of Christ’s people. As God’s gift, baptism bestows the blessing of the Holy Spirit, through the symbol of water, upon those being baptized.

In baptism, we pray that the one being baptized will be filled with the Spirit of God and will know of the renewal of spirit, the power of forgiveness, and the abundance of life as God’s child.

Baptism celebrated previously does not have to be "re-done" in our denomination. 

It is normative that the parents of the one to be baptized, if an infant, or an adult, be a regular attendee of worship in our church. Our congregation takes seriously its vow of providing in this place an atmosphere of Christian nurture, love, and support.

Please speak with our minister to schedule a baptism. It is usually held during a Sunday morning worship service and we try to not schedule a baptism for the first Sunday of the month when we celebrate holy communion.

There are no fees charged for baptisms. Donations to the Minister's Discretionary Fund are gratefully accepted to mark the occasion.

at  Roxbury Congregational Church

Picture 8

"Love is patient and kind, it is not boastful, arrogant, or rude..."

Setting The Date
Couples who wish to be married at the Roxbury Congregational Church United Church of Christ should make their plans as far in advance as possible. Please get in touch with the church office (860-355-1978) as soon as you have chosen the date for your wedding.

Meeting with the Minister
One or more meetings with the minister will be required. It is your responsibility to schedule your first appointment with the pastor about four to six months before your wedding. The pastor will meet with you to talk about your marriage and to help you plan the ceremony.

The Rehearsal
A date and time for the wedding rehearsal will be set when you meet with the pastor for the first time. Wedding rehearsals take about one hour. Please be sure that your entire wedding party is present and on time for the rehearsal.

Our sanctuary can hold up to 150 people. We have both an organ and a grand piano. Our sanctuary has two 40-foot side aisles.

We require the minister to conduct your wedding ceremony. You may invite another clergy to participate in the service. We are open to sharing the service with visiting clergy, but we do not permit weddings without the participation of our minister.

Our church organist will play at all services conducted in the Meetinghouse. They are happy to discuss the music for your wedding ceremony. It is your responsibility to contact the organist early before your ceremony. 

Soloists and special musicians are welcome. If you have arranged for your own soloist, he or she should contact our organist ahead of time. Soloists and musicians should bring a copy of their music for the organist. The church does not set fees for the soloists and musicians that you provide. Please make your own arrangements with them. 

Photography and Videography
Please ask your photographer or videographer to check with the pastor about the church’s guidelines. Our simple request is that they do not distract from the wedding ceremony in any way.

The donations and fees for weddings at the Roxbury Congregational Church United Church of Christ have been set by and approved by the church.

As of September 2023, the fees are:

Honorarium for clergy: $350.00
         (Out-of-town services require payment of travel and lodging fees)
Fee for church organist/pianist: $200.00
Custodial fee:  $35.00
Meetinghouse (Sanctuary) Fee: $200.00 
(waived for financially contributing congregation members. 

Note: Weddings of non-members require a 50% non-refundable deposit to hold the date on the minister's calendar.

at the Roxbury Congregational Church

Let not your hearts be troubled; believe in God, believe also in me.
In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? 
And when I go and prepare a place for you, 
I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.

John 14: 1-3

When a loved one dies, it is comforting to know that the faith community is there to support you. Whether it is a funeral service, memorial service, graveside committal, or a service to celebrate a special life, Roxbury Congregational Church serves not only its members but the community as well.
The Pastor of Roxbury Congregational Church, United Church of Christ will conduct all funeral services to be held in the church. Other ministers or speakers may be included at the discretion of the Pastor.  The Pastor will be available to meet with the family to discuss arrangements as well as specifics and memories of your loved one to be used in the service. Preparation time is typically 5-6 hours before the day of the service. For some time following the services, the pastor is available for support and follow-up.
An honorarium is usual and customary for the pastor.
For general information, you may call the church office (860-355-1978).

May the Lord uphold you and surround you with love, comfort, and peace during your time of loss.  Our love and prayers are with you.

There are fees for the use of the facilities and professional services.
Typical fees are Clergy: $350,
Organist: $200,
Meetinghouse (Sanctuary): $200, and if desired, Hall and Kitchen for a reception: $200.
(Meetinghouse and Hall fees are waived for financially contributing congregation members)

© 2025 Roxbury Congregational Church, UCC
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